Welcome to Computer Applications!
Unit 2 - Microsoft Word This unit consists of Chapter 2, 3,
and 4 in your book A Guide to Microsoft Office 2007.
Please choose Chapter 2 to begin the unit.
Each student should have a folder with files that I have sent you. You will
needs these files to complete practices and exercises in each chapter.
Exercise Information:
Exercises may vary pending on Pre-Test results. I have some listed,
but they are subject to change. Test Information:
Each students will take a Pre and Post test. The pre-test will help me
determine which exercises are necessary to help you learn. The post test
will help me determine what we still need to cover or how much you have
learned. The tests are made up of similar questions, but don't rely on your
pre-test to pass your post test. Your questions are pulled from a question
bank using ExamView. There will be different questions on each test.